The 2020 ASP is a series of grants that are intended to support Australian Studies Centres in China and the faculty and students in the Centres. The 2020 ASP is primarily funded and managed by FASIC. In the past, the ASP has been supported by the Australian Government through the Australia China Council (ACC) of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. In 2011, the ACC created FASIC as an independent not-for-profit organisation registered in Australia. FASIC has the ability to raise funds from the private sector to support initiatives which deepen awareness of Australia in China across a range of disciplines and fields of study, including Australian Studies in China. FASIC initiated and supports the BHP Chair of Australian Studies at Peking University and has provided funding to Australian Studies programs throughout China. The ACC has been replaced by the National Foundation for Australia China Relations (National Foundation). At the present time, the National Foundation is in the process of commencing activities, so for the current year, FASIC will fund the 2020 ASP on its own. While the National Foundation organizes itself, FASIC will continue to play a significant role in the promotion of Australian Studies in China and seek to further expand and strengthen research and teaching collaboration between Australian and Chinese universities. FASIC provides grants and scholarships to Australian and Chinese academics and professionals.


FASIC has assumed responsibility for the administration of the ASP, which was previously administered for the ACC by the University of Queensland under the leadership by Professor David Carter. The ACC continues to provide significant funding to the ASP. In order to help shape the future of the ASP, FASIC formed an Academic Advisory Committee (AAC) to recommend changes to the program in order to better serve all stakeholders. The AAC is chaired by Professor Greg McCarthy, the second BHP Chair of Australian Studies at Peking University.


  1. Each Australian Studies Centre inclusive of individual, collaborative teams and the centre itself is encouraged to submit multiple grant applications. Preference will be given to new applications and diversity across the ASC network.

  2. All applications must be signed-off by the relevant director of the Australian Studies Centre.

  3. All applicants are required to state the measurable research or project outcomes. An itemised and detailed budget plan must be included in the application.

  4. For Category 1&2 applications, a signed host institution form is required at the time of submitting the project application. If you require assistance in locating a suitable host institution in Australia, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please click here for host institution form.


Based on the recommendations of the AAC and having considered feedback from prior ASP participants, the 2020 ASP will continue to focus on three categories of activities, outlined below.


Considerations have been given to the setup of a digital platform as an online home for the Australian studies centres and scholars in China. FASIC invites established organisations to bid for the setup and administration of such digital platform, details outlined in section 4 below.



The Program seeks to encourage high quality, original research by Chinese academics and graduate students and to support the teaching of Australian Studies in Chinese universities. The Research and Curriculum Developments grants scheme is available to individuals or collaborative teams for specific projects to be undertaken in the forthcoming year.

Research: The Research and Curriculum Development grants are open to graduate students as well as academic staff. At least half of the annual funding is reserved for projects which include research in Australia. Applicants need to demonstrate how their research will contribute new knowledge to the Australian Studies field in China and engage with existing scholarship.

Curriculum Development: a small amount of funding is reserved to provide assistance to develop new courses and programs in Australian Studies or add new Australian content to existing courses in Chinese universities. Applicants needs to demonstrate that facilities are in place for the new course/program to be implemented in their school/department.

Requests for purchasing resources (books and other research or teaching materials) can be included in applications. These requests must be linked to a specific research project or curriculum development initiative. All books and other resources purchased with grant money should be given to the relevant Australian Studies Centre once the project is completed.

Successful applications will be granted with up to AU$6,000 each. Centres can also bid for building a small collection or Library in a centre with priority areas for teaching/research needs. Funded up to AU$1,000.

Funding can be used to cover transport (domestic & international), accommodation, meals, books, photocopying and registration fees where applicable. It cannot to be used on items related to visa application, health insurance and telephone bills. An acquittal report is required to be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. within 30 days of the conclusion of the funded activity.


Click here for a Word version of the application form for Competitive Projects for Research and Curriculum Development.



China now has a large number of well-established and very capable Australian Studies Centres which teach and conduct research across a wide range of disciplines. The purpose of this new fund is to support collaborative initiatives between Australian Studies Centres in China. While applications from single Centres may be considered, preference will be given to collaborative projects involving more than one Australian Studies Centre. Such projects may include conferences, workshops, post-graduate training programs, high profile public events, significant translation projects, high profile events and competitions or the creation of new teaching resources, or other initiatives which advance Australian Studies in China. To be considered eligible for this fund, a centre must be registered with the Chinese Association of Australian Studies.

Centres can also bid for the production of a hard copy publication related to the biennial conference under this category.

Successful applications will be granted with up to AU$10,000 each. An acquittal report is required to be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. within 30 days of competition of the project/event.


Click here for a Word version of the application form for Collaborative Initiatives for Australian Studies Centres.



This program is to facilitate visits between centres in China for collaborations within/ involving ASC network and/ or to consult resources held in other centres or university libraries.

This is for post graduates and early career academics and the focus should be research and/or curriculum development.

Successful applications will be granted with up to AU$1,500 each. It is recommended that a small amount out of the grant (e.g. AU$300) to be paid by the successful applicant to their host institution.


Click here for a Word version of the application form for Internal Travel Grants.



Interested parties (must be an established organisation) are invited to tender submissions by competing below form for the setup and administration of digital media for Australian studies in China. Interested parties shall demonstrate their commitment and IT capabilities to successfully deliver and administer the project for a three-year period. It is envisaged that a website will be constructed which will accommodate the sharing of information and resources among organisations and individuals working in the field of Australian studies. Social media such as WeChat can also be deployed as a supplement platform to the website.

Successful bidder must obtain the support of their organisation and nominate a project leader who will be responsible to oversee the successful delivery of the project and communicate with FASIC on a timely basis.

Successful bidder will work in consultation with the Chinese Association for Australia Studies and act as the sole administrator of the digital media once established. A domain for the website will be provided by FASIC if deemed preferable.

Successful bidder shall be provided with funding for a three year period unless otherwise agreed. The amount will be determined after the application is closed.


Click here for a Word version of the submission form for digital platform.


Interested parties should follow the guidelines and complete an application form corresponding to the category of the applying grant (MS Word version of the forms downloadable on A Host Institution Acceptance Form must be included in the application materials, if the applicant/s plan to travel to Australia for the purpose of their proposed project. Applications materials should be sent to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., in MS Word format with the email subject being 2020 ASP Application Applicants must submit their applications by Sunday, 19 July 2020. Postal copy of the application materials is not required. Successful applicants will be informed of the funding decision by email and on FASIC website. All successful applicants must enter into a legally binding funding agreement with FASIC to receive the grant. FASIC reserves the right to make final decisions as to the payment method and timing.


Grant recipients must at all times:

  • Act in a thorough, professional and competent manner;

  • In a manner consistent with the good name, goodwill and reputation of the ASP and FASIC; and

  • In compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Grant recipients must not:

  • Do any act which brings the ASP or FASIC into disrepute; or

  • Act in a way which will result in the ASP or FASIC suffering a material deterioration of its public image for whatever cause.


Grant recipients must fully acquit their funding, and return any unspent funds to FASIC, within 30 days of the conclusion of the funded activity. The acquittal should include the original budget as submitted to the program, as well as the final spending. Please include copies of receipts for all expenses incurred at the time of submitting the acquittal.

Grant recipients should also, within 30 days, provide a report of no more than 500 words with at least one photo or image, describing the event, outcomes, next steps and any media coverage, if relevant.