We are pleased to have held the 9th Foundation for Australian Studies in China Conference (FASIC 9), with our co-host, the Institute for Australian and Chinese Arts and Culture (IAC) at Western Sydney University, and in partnership with Beijing Foreign Studies University. FASIC 9 was held from 5th to 6th of October 2024, at the Parramatta City Campus of Western Sydney University.

The FASIC conference was initiated in 2013 by Emeritus Professor David Walker AM, FASIC’s inaugural BHP Chair of Australian Studies at Peking University. China is the home of the largest number of Australian Studies Centres in the world. The purpose of the conference has been to discuss current research on Australia, reflect on Australia-China engagements, and identify opportunities to develop deeper knowledge ties. The first seven FASIC conferences were held in different regions of China in collaboration with host universities. FASIC 8 was held online during the pandemic.

FASIC 9 was the first FASIC conference to be held in Australia, co-convened by three BHP Chairs of Australian Studies at Peking University, Emeritus Professor David Walker AM, Emeritus Professor Greg McCarthy and Emeritus Professor Pooking Kee. FASIC 9 brought together over 60 scholars, researchers and experts from 20 Australian universities and organisations, as well as 15 universities from Greater China. Approximately 60% of the scholars were female and 40% of the scholars were male.

The conference included eleven sessions and panels, delivered over the course of one and half days. Each session concluded with a Q&A, facilitating lively discussions and deeper engagement between speakers and audience. Presentations and papers covered a wide range of topics, such as Australian literary studies, Australia/China engagement, research and knowledge production, Asian Australian studies, Aboriginal-Chinese connections, Chinese Australians and the history of Australian studies in China.

Two award ceremonies were held at FASIC 9 to announce the five winners of the 2024 Biennial Book Prize, judged by a panel of judges led by Emeritus Professor David Carter AM, and the 32 winners of the 12th FASIC Translation Competition Prize, organised by the Australian Studies Centre at Beijing Foreign Studies University. FASIC warmly congralatutes all winners and participants of these two decade-long initiatives.

FASIC’s Chairperson, Dr Angela Lehmann said: “Hosting the conference in Australia for the first time is a celebration of the achievements of Australian studies in China – a community of scholars that form an important bridge between our two countries. This was an impressive display of a breadth and depth of research and interest between Australian and Chinese scholars.”

FASIC Director, Mr Kevin Hobogood-Brown AM, said: “The presentations of early and mid-career scholars from China were impressive and inspiring. Their work contributes to our understanding of Australia and strengthens our bilateral ties. Their collaboration with Australian scholars results in life-long friendships.”

We would like to acknowledge the invaluable work from the organising parties led by Professor Jing Han, Director of Australian and Chinese Arts and Culture at Western Sydney University and the IAC team; and by Shirley Gao, Executive Director of the Foundation for Australian Studies in China and the FASIC team.

Click here to view photos from FASIC 9.